Wednesday, August 30, 2006

As written by our Pacific States Correspondent Nikki Keify
(Actual photos of Nikki's developing persimmons, not the first time they have been seen)
Your fabulous world-traveling President Jennifer has taken time out of her busy and important schedule to extend an invitation to myself. I would like to thank her and her oh-so-supportive staff on the most auspicious of occasions. I have two "California" persimmon trees and have personally experienced the bitter-persimmon-face effect of tasting them before they wanted me to. I was in intensive taste-bud care for two weeks, and have fascial muscle therapy every Wednesday at 7. I have managed to secure Jacques Pilisiay, World Renowned Persimmon Photograper, to capture my persimmons each week so you might watch them mature with me.
Viva La Nikki
P.S. Jacques is fired

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