Wednesday, December 03, 2008

The Persimmon Lounge is pleased to announce that we are finally evolving. Our motto has always been "If you can't beat them, join them. Or at least hybridize." And since it seems the unconquerable kumquat is here to stay, we are joining forces with the delectable fruit. Don't change your personalized linens yet, we are still the Persimmon Lounge, but from now on we will be lauding the value of kumquats as well as the estimable Persimmon.
Kumquats are my next favorite winter fruit anyway. They freeze great, they taste great, and they are a really good deal if you order them from Florida. Here is the address: I have ordered these several times and have never been disappointed. And of course they look beautiful when resting in a bowl of persimmons.
There are lots of things you can do with the two fruits together. Persimmon Kumquat Jelly is a rare delicacy and you will be the hit of the neighborhood if you start spreading this around on your toast. Persimmon Kumquat Pie is also delicious according to my imagination. There are millions of things I can think of to do with the both of them. I am thinking of all of them right now. I would love to hear your suggestions as well. Our next article will be on the amalgamation of Persimmons and Kumquats so stay tuned and tell your friends.

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Who wants in? I am thinking of scrapping the whole Persimmon Taste-a-thon this year because fan club members are dropping like flies. So far its only me and my nephew Jonas who will be there. And maybe just me. If I knew anyone else was interested though, I might consider keeping the flame alight.

Friday, April 04, 2008

Its time for Persimmon Pruning with Jennifer, the annual class that attracts millions of viewers each year. And this year we should have room for everyone to fit on to the patio at once, as long as participants make reservations. You won't want to miss this informational class. We will have the honor of listening to the infamous persimmon and pruning expert Jennifer who will teach us the intricacies of correct cutting, the usage of ESP in communicating with plants, pollination and child appropriate ratings, and how to make a killer shish-ka-bob. Guest entertainment includes a Youtube video by Flight of the Concordes and refreshments will be brought to you by yourself. Please join us on this auspicious occasion.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

New Member Welcome:
The notable Persimmon Lounge would like to transmit greetings to our neonatal and most acute member Rebekah Sellers of Provo, Utah. We are very juiced up to have Rebekah adhere to our faction and would also like to proffer the solicitation to her to be our dewy Thesauralogical Consultant. As many of you apperceive, we exploit a plethora of words here at the Lounge and recurrently need aide in the veridical usage and disposition of said terms. Since Rebekah has a rapture for spelling and for scribal symbols of all assortments, even colorful ones such as profanation, we are cognizant and affectionate to have her agglutinate our assemblage.